Saturday, March 23, 2013

WWII: Still in the News

Interested in Fascism, Mussolini, and WWII?  Read the article above (you may need to copy & paste the link, not sure if you can just click on it!) 

This isn't unusual for Rome - every time they try to extend the subway/train system they run into ruins and more history!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Homework Over Break - ALL CLASSES

Vacation is finally here!  Rest up, enjoy any holiday you are celebrating, and DO YOUR HOMEWORK!  Remember, if there is no summer school you only have 2 options left for this year: pass & move forward or fail & get left back.  That's it.  No other option will exist.

Global I:
You received 2 handouts in class today - DO THEM.  You should also have completed every other handout from Chapter 17.  This includes the vocabulary.

Global II:
Check your homework sheet for what's due on 4/1.  You have a significant Castle Learning assignment that you should do over the break, I would break it down to 20-ish questions a day to make it easier...but that's me.  Do it your way, BUT DO IT.  There is no "partial credit" or "second chance," just like a test. 

In addition, it is likely that I will be moving your Chapter 33 Exam from 4/3 to a date the following week.  Everything remains due as listed n your homework sheet.

U.S. History:
Check your homework sheet for what's due on 4/1. You have several Castle Learning assignments that you should do over the break, I would break it down to one per day to make it easier...but that's me. Do it your way, BUT DO IT. There is no "partial credit" or "second chance," just like a test.

There are just 2 weeks left in the 3rd marking Period.  We are in the home stretch.  You really need to pour it on to get through the rest of the year successfully, so DO IT!

Enjoy the break!

Monday, March 18, 2013

US History: Chapter 22 Homework Questions & Vocabulary List

Chapter 22 Section 1:  The Nation’s Sick Economy
  1. Why were American industries in trouble during the 1920s?
  2. Why were American farmers in trouble during the 1920s?
  3. What did the McNary- Haugin Bill propose?
  4. How did credit help cause the Great Depression?
  5. Explain the stock market crash.
  6. Why did the Great Depression begin?
  7. What was the purpose of the Dow Jones Industrial Average?
  8. Why did 25% of banks in the U.S. fail?
  9. How did the Great Depression affect Europe?
Chapter 22 Section 2:  Hardship & Suffering during the Great Depression
  1. Why did shantytowns develop?
  2. How did the Great Depression affect African-Americans?
  3. How did the Great Depression affect Latino-Americans?
  4. Which states and regions were most affected by the Dust Bowl?
  5. Why did the Dust Bowl happen?
  6. How did the Great Depression affect men?
  7. How did the Great Depression affect women?
  8. How did the Great Depression affect children?
  9. Describe the psychological effects people faced as a result of the Great Depression.
Chapter 22 Section 3:  Hoover Struggles with the Depression
  1. Why did some officials believe in a “do-nothing” approach to the Depression?
  2. How did Hoover believe the government should approach the Depression?
  3. Describe “rugged individualism.”
  4. How did Americans express their frustration as the Depression continued?
  5. Why did the people blame Hoover for the worsening Depression?
  6. Describe Hoover’s public-works policy.
  7. Describe the bank reform measures Hoover took to end the Depression in the early 1930s.
  8. What was the "Bonus Army?”
  9. Why did the Bonus Army got to Washington, D.C.?
  10. Why were some members of the Bonus Army gassed?
Chapter 22 Vocabulary
  1.  Price Supports
  2. Subsidies
  3. Credit
  4. Speculation
  5. Buying on Margin
  6. Herbert Hoover
  7. Black Tuesday
  8. Great Depression
  9. Gold Standard
  10. Dow Jones Industrial Average
  11. Bull Market
  12. Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act
  13. Shantytown
  14. Soup Kitchens
  15. Bread Lines
  16. Dust Bowl
  17. Foreclosure
  18. Oakies
  19. Direct Relief
  20. Boulder Dam
  21. Federal Home Loan Bank Act
  22. Public Works


US History Homework: 3/22 - 4/3/13

U.S History & Govt                                3/22/13 – 4/3/13
Homework Assignments

All assignments are due by the date listed in the “date due” column. 

 Please see me in advance if you have any problems with any assignment.   The following heading must be used on all assignments to gain credit for your work:

YOUR NAME                                                                     SUBJECT
ASSIGNMENT TITLE (on each assignment)                  CLASS PERIOD
You must write out all questions AND answer in complete sentences for work to be accepted!
All work must be on loose-leaf or notebook paper in standard blue or black pen unless otherwise stated. 
Typed work will not be accepted.



Content Review
Chapter 22 Section 1 Questions (online)
Monday, 4/1
Content Review
Chapter 22 Section 2 Questions (online)
Monday, 4/1
Content Review
Chapter 22 Section 3 Questions (online)
Monday, 4/1
Content Review
Castle Learning:
Break Review HW #1
Break Review HW #2
Break Review HW #3
Break Review HW #4
Opens on Thursday, 3/21 & closes on Sunday, 3/31
Monday, 4/1
Closed on 3/31!
Content Review
Chapter 22 Vocabulary (online) (words due and quiz on them today)
Blue or Black pen required to take quiz!  Make up for legal absence is Thursday, 4/4 in 2534.  Door locked at 2:05.
Wed., 4/3
Don’t want to do homework?  Remember the consequences of your choices:
1.    Get a zero on every assignment you fail to complete AND on homework quizzes!  (not recommended)
2.    Possible failure of the marking period (also not recommended!)


Friday, March 15, 2013

US History Homework Packet: 3/13 - 3/22/13

U.S History & Govt                   3/13/13 – 3/22/13

Homework Assignments

All assignments are due by the date listed in the “date due” column. 

Please see me in advance if you have any problems with any assignment.   The following heading must be used on all assignments to gain credit for your work:

YOUR NAME                                                              SUBJECT
ASSIGNMENT TITLE (on each assignment)           CLASS PERIOD
You must write out all questions AND answer in complete sentences for work to be accepted!
All work must be on loose-leaf or notebook paper in standard blue or black pen unless otherwise stated. 
Typed work will not be accepted!



Content Review
Chapter 21 Section 1 Questions (in this packet)
Wed., 3/13
Content Review
Chapter 21 Section 2 Questions (in this packet)
Thursday, 3/14
Content Review
Chapter 21 Section 3 Questions (in this packet)
Friday, 3/15
Content Review
Chapter 21 Section 4 Questions (in this packet)
HANDOUTS: (all questions must be completed on a separate sheet of paper.  Be sure to label EACH assignment!)
Political Cartoon (Questions 1-3)
The Scopes Trial (Questions 1-3)
The Harlem Renaissance (Entire handout. You must recopy Sections A & B on separate paper.)
Monday, 3/18
Content Review
HANDOUTS: (all questions must be completed on a separate sheet of paper.  Be sure to label EACH assignment!)
“When the Negro was in Vogue” (Questions 1-3)
Georgia O’Keefe (Questions 1-3)
Louis Armstrong (Questions 1-3)
Tuesday, 3/19
Content Review
Chapters 20 & 21 Regents Connections Questions (combined)
Chapters 20 & 21 Test Review Sheet (combined)
Will not be accepted late since answers will be given out on due date.  Turn it in early or send it in with someone else if you are out on the due date.
Wed., 3/20
Content Review
Chapters 20 & 21 Vocabulary (words due and quiz on them today)
Blue or Black pen required to take quiz!  Make up for legal absence is Thursday, 4/4 in 2534.  Door locked at 2:05.
Thursday, 3/21
Content Review
Chapters 20 & 21 Test
Blue or Black pen required to take test!  Make up for legal absence is Thursday, 4/4 in 2534.  Door locked at 2:05.
Friday, 3/22

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

US History: Chapter 21 Section Questions (from current HW Packet)

Here are the Chapter 21 Section Questions that were left out of your homework packet.  All due dates remain as stated on the packet.

Chapter 21 Section 1:  Changing Ways of Life
  1. Describe the “new urban scene.
  2. Why were some people in favor of Prohibition?
  3. Why was the government almost powerless to stop illegal alcohol manufacturing, sale, or consumption?
  4. Why did speakeasies develop?
  5. Why did prescriptions for alcohol increase?
  6. What role did bootlegger splay in Prohibition?
  7. How did organized crime affect Prohibition?
  8. Identify the problems fundamentalists had with science.
  9. Why was the Scopes Trial held?
  10. What were the results of the Scopes Trial?

Chapter 21 Section 2:  The Twenties Woman
  1. How did WWI affect the attitudes of women?
  2. Why did young women become flappers?
  3. Describe flappers.
  4. How did dating change during the 1920s?
  5. Why did a “double standard” exist between men & women?
  6. How did job opportunities for women change during the 1920s?
  7. Why did family size decrease during the 1920s?
  8. How did technology change family life in the 1920s?
  9. How did idea son marriage change during the 1920s?
  10. How did the 1920s change being a teenager based on pre-WWI roles?

Chapter 21 Section 3:  The War at Home
  1. How did the 1920s change education?
  2. How did education affect taxes during the 1920s?
  3. How did the radio change life in the 1920s?
  4. What were the “common aspiration” reflected in the Golden Age of Sports?
  5. Why is Charles Lindbergh important?
  6. Why did movies become popular?
  7. How did concert music change during the 1920s?
  8. How did F. Scott Fitzgerald portray the 1920s in his novels?
  9. How did Ernest Hemingway change literature during the 1920s?

Chapter 21 Section 4:  The Harlem Renaissance

  1. Why did the Great Migration occur?
  2. How did the NAACP approach racial violence during the 1920s?
  3. What did Marcus Garvey believe?
  4. How did Marcus Garvey gain followers?
  5. Describe Harlem in the 1920s.
  6. What was the Harlem Renaissance?
  7. Why is Langston Hughes important?
  8. Why is Louis Armstrong important?
  9. Why is “Duke” Ellington important?


Monday, March 11, 2013

Global II Extra Credit for the Week Ending 3/15: Cold War: Crash Course World History #39

If ALL homework due this week has been turned in completed, in proper format, and on time this week, you are eligible to submit this extra credit. Cutting, late to class without a valid reason (as determined by me), or being unprepared for class makes you ineligible for this extra credit.


Write your 4-5 page paper using the video discussing The Cold War - why it begin, who fought it, major leaders, different ideologies that led to it, conflicts that occurred during it, how the world was affected by it, the "Iron Curtain," etc.  All papers must be handwritten, in standard blue or black pen, to be accepted. Use a proper homework heading and the title of this blog entry as your assignment title.

Click on the link to get to the video!

Due no later than the beginning of your class period Friday, 3/15. No exceptions!!

Use a proper heading and the title of this blog entry as your assignment title.

US History Extra Credit: The Scopes "Monkey" Trial

If ALL homework due this week has been turned in completed, in proper format, and on time this week, you are eligible to submit this extra credit. Cutting, late to class without a valid reason (as determined by me), or being unprepared for class makes you ineligible for this extra credit.


Write your 3-5 page paper using the video discussing The Scopes Trial.  In your paper, pay particular attention to the issues of the trial, how the Tennessee law may - or may not - have violated the Constitution, whether a teacher should be told what to teach by a government or a religious group, and your opinion on the issues and the outcome of the trial.  All papers must be handwritten, in standard blue or black pen, to be accepted. Use a proper homework heading and the title of this blog entry as your assignment title.

Click on the link to get to the video!

Due no later than the beginning of your class period Friday, 3/15. No exceptions!!

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Good Afternoon Parents & Guardians!

A progress report from me will be coming home with your student tomorrow.  It lists assignments and grades through the last homework packet completed (chapter tested on) and most work through the week of 3/15. 

Please be sure to discuss the highlighted deficiencies with your student.  You student controls all of his/her homework grade, and just about 90% of his/her classwork grade.  If your child does not have "A's" in these categories, please stress upon them the importance of taking ownership of their grades & education.  These two categories can overcome those who are "bad test takers" dung the year.  Since no one has stayed for extra help in the last 6 weeks, no one should be failing

Please be sure to sign the report and send it back in with your student on TUESDAY, 3/12.  It will count as a test grade, so is an easy grade of 100 for your student.  Each day late drops this grade 25 points.

Thank you in advance for helping me help your student!
~ Mrs. Ramo

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Scrapbook Meeting Date

If you're crafty, or have ever thought you want to be crafty, like photographs, and want to try something new, consider joining our club at its next meeting!  If you can use a ruler, cut paper, and glue it to different paper, you can do this!  You do not have to make the design yourself, you'll follow one I have already done.

The United Village Craft Club’s
 Scrapbook Day
will be

Monday, 4/8 at 2 PM


Room 2534 (Sonderling)

See Mrs. Ramo if you have any questions.
No experience or supplies required!
(This is an example of one layout, but it is not the actual layout we'll do!)

Global II Students!

Mr. Ullrich is running a "YES" program for Global History.  It is an after school program on Wednesdays from 2-5:15 PM.  He is showing movies that are factual & valuable based on the Global History curriculum. 

YOU NEED A TICKET.  Space is limited to 20 students per meeting.  You must get a ticket form me, if tickets are still available.  If you are interested in attending these please see me.  I will have to recommend you to Mr. Ullrich.