Monday, February 24, 2014

New & Starting Tomorrow - Homework Quizzes!


Here is how I will be checking your "notes" homework from now on:

At the start of class, you will be given 4 questions.  You are to use your notes (the ones you were responsible to copy for HW) to answer them.  You have 4 minutes to do this (no complete sentences for this one due to time!)  If you can't copy off yourself in 4 minutes, you didn't do the work.

How will it be scored?  Simple.  If you get all 4 correct, you clearly did copy all the notes as assigned.  If you get ANY wrong, you did NOT copy all of the notes as assigned, so you get no credit for the HW.  So...either you get them all right because you did the work so you get a grade of 100, or you get a 0 because you clearly did not copy all of the notes. 

Let's face it chickadees, if you can't copy my notes, then copy off yourself, and get 4 questions right when you copy off yourself...


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