Wednesday, February 26, 2014

US History: Due this week

Northern Securities Questions due Thursday, 2/27
Chapter 17 Questions due Friday, 2/28
Test Friday, 2/28
Northern Securities Co. v. U.S. (1904) Questions
1.    What are the facts of the case (issues that led to it)?
2.    Who was involved in the case (leaders, people, companies, etc.)?
3.    What “side” was each of these people & companies on…and why?
4.    What was the decision in Northern Securities v. US?
5.    Why was the decision in Northern Securities v. US important?
6.    How did the decision in Northern Securities v. US affect businesses?
7.    How did the decision in Northern Securities v. US affect government?
8.    How did the decision in Northern Securities v. US American Society?
Chapter 17 Questions (all sections)

1.    How did the WCTU change American society?
2.    How did the roles of women change from the 1840s to the 1920s?
3.    How did President Theodore Roosevelt change American society?
4.    How did the Pure Food & Drug Act change the food industry?
5.    How did the Clayton Antitrust Act strengthen the Sherman Antitrust Act?
6.    What powers did the Federal Trade commission have?
7.    Why was the Federal Reserve System created?
8.    Why did the Progressive Era end?


  1. Do we have to write the worksheet questions on a separate sheet of paper?

    - Keysy Rivera, Period 7

    1. Sorry Keysy, my computer was off before you posted. You should have, since there was no place to write them on the handouts.
