Tuesday, November 18, 2014

All Students: Grades are finalized

Grades are finalized & posted in Eschool.  In most cases, they closely match what's in Engrade.  No one has a grade LOWER than listed in Engrade, since that is the grade your EARNED.  (I'm not taking points away from you!)

Don't like your grade?  Do something DIFFERENT this marking period.  In almost every case, the failing grades were from a combination of not doing HW, not passing exams, and attendance (absent & late.)  None of it should be a surprise since Engrade was updated almost weekly for 8 weeks of the marking period.  The gradebook is online so you can track yourself (& so your parents can track you) - there should be no surprises to anyone on the report card...not to you, not to your parents.  You all were given the code twice, some of you more than that.

To those who excelled - continue that trend & set the bar just a little higher for yourself as a challenge this marking period.  To those that failed - you can't fail again or your year is likely wasted.  Don't put yourself in a bad position for next year because you were too lazy to be a student this year!

See you tomorrow...

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