Sunday, November 11, 2012

Stop Slacking!!

For those of you who are not slacking, keep up the good work!!  Your 1st marking period average reflects many things - being prepared for class, being in class, actively participating (which you can't do if you're absent!), not disrupting the learning process of others, doing your homework, passing quizzes & tests...all things you already know.

For those of you who thought you would get away with not doing the didn't.  You can't fail two marking periods and pass for the year, so I recommend you change your ways and fix your mistakes based on the list above.  You can recover from one failed marking period, so you're still in shape to pass for the year.  The time to screw up, not do work, or think things will magically work out differently if you do exactly the same thing is over.  The best definition of insanity I know is "repeating the same action and expecting a different result."  Trust me on this one, you will get the same result from the same actions on your next report card.  Monday starts the new marking period.  Start anew with it!

Every student in every course has always been required to have the following in class: standard blue or black working pens (2 or more), a working highlighter, a binder with plenty of paper OR a notebook dedicated to my class AND a folder for your handouts.  Binders & notebooks are required to be orderly, organized, and easy for you to follow.  I smell notebook checks coming up, unannounced (and a test grade), based on what I've seen in class the last few weeks.  Be prepared.  Literally.

Remember, you are losing points when you are unprepared for class.  There is no excuse for continually being unprepared.

Enjoy your extra day off, and remember why it's a day off. 

In fact, there's some extra credit for you...hand write me a 1-2 page paper on the meaning of Veteran's Day (it's origin, why was Nov. 11th picked for it, who does it honor, etc.)  Due Tuesday at the beginning of your class period.  See you then!

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