Monday, January 27, 2014

Global II Homework

Section 1 due Friday, 1/31
Section 2 due Monday, 2/3
Section 3 due Monday, 2/3
Section 4 due Tuesday, 2/4

Chapter 30 Section 1:

Revolutions in Russia (pp. 768-74)

  1. Why was Alexander II assassinated?
  2. How did Alexander III deal with revolutionaries?
  3. How did Nicholas II affect economic growth?
  4. Why did rapid industrialization make people unhappy?
  5. How did industrialization help lead to the rise of the Bolsheviks?
  6. Why did the 1905 revolution occur?
  7. How was Rasputin able to affect Russian politics?
  8. How did WWI affect the Russian people?
  9. Why did the March 1917 Revolution begin?
  10. How did the Bolsheviks gain power?
  11. Why did Russia experience a civil war?
  12. How did Lenin attempt to improve the Russian economy?
  13. How did Lenin politically reform Russia?


Chapter 30 Section 2:

Totalitarianism: Case Study: Stalinist Russia (pp. 775-80)

  1. How did Stalin gain control of the Soviet government?
  2. How are totalitarianism and democracy different?
  3. How did Stalin attempt to improve the Soviet economy?
  4. How did the Five-Year Plans affect the Soviet people?
  5. Why did the peasants revolt against the collective farms?
  6. How was police terror used to control the Soviet people?
  7. Why is the Great Purge a human rights violation?
  8. Why is indoctrination important in a totalitarian state?
  9. Why is propaganda important in a totalitarian state?
  10. Why is censorship important in a totalitarian state?
  11. Why is there no room for religion in a totalitarian state?
  12. How did Stalin’s rule affect women?
  13. How did Stalin’s rule affect education?


Chapter 30 Section 3:

Collapse of Chinese Imperial Rule (pp. 781-4)

  1. Why did Sun Yixian believe nationalism was vital?
  2. How did Chinese peasants suffer during periods of unrest?
  3. Why is the May Fourth Movement important?
  4. Why did the Soviet Union send military advisors and equipment to the Kuomintang?
  5. How did Jiang Jieshi become president of the Nationalist Republic of China?
  6. Why did the peasants support Mao Zedong?
  7. Why did the Long March occur?
  8. How did Japan help unite the Nationalists and Communists in China?


Chapter 30 Section 4:

Nationalism in India and Southwest Asia (pp. 785-9)

  1. How did the Hindus and Muslims find a “common ground”?
  2. How did the Rowlatt Act go against Enlightenment ideals?
  3. Why is Amritsar a human rights violation?
  4. Why did Gandhi believe that civil disobedience was the best way to fight the British?
  5. Why did the Salt March occur?
  6. How did Mustafa Kemal (Attaturk) affect Turkey?
  7. How did Reza Shah Pahlavi affect Persia?
  8. How did Ibn Saud affect Saudi Arabia?
  9. How did oil change Southwest Asia’s economy?


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