Tuesday, January 28, 2014

US History: Ch 15 HW Questions & due dates

Ch 15 Sec 1: Due Friday, 1/31
Ch 15 Sec 2: Due Monday, 2/3
Ch 15 Sec 3: Due Mon, 2/3


Chapter 15 Section 1: The New Immigrants

  1. What was the “change” in European immigration?
  2. Why did people immigrate to America?
  3. What jobs did Chinese immigrants perform?
  4. Why did some Japanese immigrate to Hawaii?
  5. What drew Mexican workers to the US?
  6. Describe the journey of an immigrants to the US.
  7. How are Ellis & Angel Islands similar?
  8. How are Ellis & Angel Islands different?
  9. What challenges did immigrants face?
  10. How did nativism affect immigrant groups?
  11. What was the purpose of the Chinese Exclusion Act?
  12. What was the purpose of the Gentleman’s Agreement?


Chapter 15 Section 2: The Challenges of Urbanization

  1. Why did most immigrants settle in cities?
  2. Identify the goals of the Americanization movement.
  3. How did northern migration affect African-Americans?
  4. Describe urban housing during the industrialized age.
  5. How did mass transit change society?
  6. How did cities face the problem of supplying safe drinking water to people?
  7. Describe urban sanitation.
  8. Why was fire such a danger in American cities?
  9. What was the goal of the Social Gospel Movement?
  10. Why were settlement houses established?
  11. Why is Jane Addams important?


Chapter 15 Section 3: Politics in the Gilded Age

  1. How did the political machine entice voters?
  2. Describe how the political machine worked.
  3. Why was the political boss important?
  4. How did political bosses try to gain support among immigrants groups?
  5. Explain “graft.”
  6. For what was graft used?
  7. Who was “Boss Tweed?”
  8. Why s Boss Tweed important?
  9. How did Thomas Nast create outrage against Boss Tweed?
  10. What was the purpose of the Pendleton Civil Service Act (1883)?
  11. Explain the McKinley Tariff Act.
  12. Why did President Cleveland refuse to sign the McKinley Tariff Act?


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