Sunday, December 21, 2014

Global II: Ch 29 & 30 work posted in Engrade & Edmodo last week due 1/5

This is the Chapter 29 work that was ALREADY SENT TO YOU via Engrade & Edmodo.  Now that I can sort of post here again I'm just also posting it here.

Chapter 29 Section 1:

The Stage is Set for War (pp. 742-6)

  1. Why did nationalism increase rivalries between European nations?
  2. How did imperialism bring Europe close to war?
  3. How are nationalism and militarism connected?
  4. Why did the Triple Alliance develop?
  5. Why did the Triple Entente develop?
  6. Why is the Balkans known as the “powder keg” of Europe?
  7. How did nationalism affect the Balkans?
  8. How did Serbian nationalism affect the nations around Serbia?
  9. Why did Russia mobilize against Austria?


Chapter 29 Section 2:

War Consumes Europe (pp. 747-51)

  1. How did the alliance system pull Europe into war?
  2. Why was speed vital to the success of the Schlieffen Plan?
  3. Why did Britain declare war on Germany?
  4. Why do some people consider the first Battle of the Marne to be the single most important event of the war?
  5. Why was “no man’s land” given this name?
  6. How was the war on the Eastern Front different from the one on the Western Front?
  7. Why was Russia’s war effort near collapse by 1916?


Chapter 29 Section 3:

War Affects the World (pp. 752-7)

  1. Why did the Allies believe the Dardanelles were important?
  2. How were the colonies involved the war effort?
  3. Why was unrestricted submarine warfare a problem for the Allies?
  4. Why is the Zimmerman Note the “last straw” for America?
  5. How did total war affect the people of warring nations?
  6. Why was propaganda used by both sides?
  7. How did WWI affect women?
  8. Why did Russia withdraw form the war?
  9. How did Russia’s withdrawal affect Germany?
  10. Why did the fighting stop?


Chapter 29 Section 4:

A Flawed Peace (pp. 758-63)

  1. Why did Wilson believe that the Fourteen Points were necessary?
  2. Why was the League of Nations established?
  3. How did the Treaty of Versailles punish Germany?
  4. How did the Treaty of Versailles change the map of Europe?
  5. How did the Treaty of Versailles change the map of the Middle East?
  6. Why is the Treaty of Versailles often called “a peace built on quicksand?”
  7. How did the war affect European society?
  8. How did the war affect Europe’s economy?
  9. Why were people disillusioned after WWI?


    Chapter 29

    1.    Militarism
    2.    Schlieffen Plan
    3.    Central Powers
    4.    Allies
    5.    Western Front
    6.    Trench Warfare
    7.    Eastern Front
    8.    Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
    9.    Total War
    10. Rationing
    11. Propaganda
    12. Armistice
    13. Fourteen Points
    14. Self-Determination
    15. Treaty of Versailles
    16. League of Nations

    Chapter 30 Vocabulary
    1. Pogrom                                                          11.  Great Purge
    2. Bolsheviks                                                    12.  Socialist Realism
    3. Vladimir Lenin                                              13.  Kuomintang
    4. Rasputin                                                        14.  Sun Yixian       
    5. Soviet                                                             15.  Mao Zedong
    6. Josef Stalin                                                   16.  May Fourth Movement
    7. Totalitarianism                                              17.  Long March      
    8. Command Economy                                   18.  Mohandas Gandhi
    9. Collective Farm                                            19.  Civil Disobedience
    10. Kulak                                                              20.  Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk)



US History: Chapter 13 work posted in Engrade & Edmodod last week due 1/5

This is the Chapter 13 works that was ALREADY SENT TO YOU via Engrade & Edmodo.  Now that I can sort of post here again I'm just also posting it here.

AIM:  How did farmers address common problems?

The Grange Movement
The Populist Party
Cross of Gold

AIM:  Why were Native Americans in crisis?


Homestead Act














Sitting Bull











Custer’s Last Stand













Dawes Act
















Battle of Wounded Knee











Chapter 13 Vocabulary
1.     Great Plains
2.    Homestead Act
3.    Exodusters
4.    Sitting Bull
5.    George Armstrong Custer
6.    Assimilation
7.    Dawes Act
8.    Battle of Wounded Knee
9.    Barbed Wire
10.  Homesteaders
11.  Morrill Land Grant Acts
12.  Bonanza Farms
13.  The Grange
14.  Populism
15.  Bimetalism
16.  William McKinley
17.  William Jennings Bryan
18.  “Cross of Gold” speech
Chapter 13 Questions
Chapter 13 Section 1: Native American Cultures in Crisis
1. Describe the importance of horses to Native American cultures.
2. Describe the importance of buffalo to Native American cultures.
3. Why did settlers push westward?
4. Explain the Homestead Act.
5. Why was the Homestead Act passed?
6. Describe the Sandy Creek Massacre.
7. Why is Sitting Bull important?
8. Why is Custer important?
9. Describe Custer’s last stand.
10. What was the purpose of the Dawes Act?
11. Explain the Ghost Dance.
12. What was the importance of the Battle of Wounded Knee?

Chapter 13 Section 2: The Growth of the Cattle Industry
1. Why were railroads important to ranchers?
2. Describe the life of a cowboy.
3. Explain the purpose of the long drive.

Chapter 13 Section 3: Settling on the Great Plains
1. What were the benefits of homesteading?
2. Why did the frontier close?
3. What were the differences between dugouts & soddies?
4. How did the Morrill Land Grant Acts assist people?
5. Why did farmers go into debt?
6. How did this debt affect farmers?

Chapter 13 Section 4: Farmers & the Populist Movement
1. Why was there a demand for cheaper money?
2. Why were the railroads experiencing problems?
3. Why did the Grange Movement begin?
4. What were the goals of the Grange?
5. Why did Populism develop?
6. What were the goals of the Populist Party?
7. How did the Panic of 1893 affect Americans & American industry?
8. Explain the importance of Bryan’s “Cross of Gold” speech.
9. Why did Populism end?

US History: Chapter 14 work posted last week Engrade & Edmodo due 1/5

This is the Chapter 14 works that was ALREADY SENT TO YOU via Engrade & Edmodo.  Now that I can sort of post here again I'm just also posting it here.

Chapter 14 Questions

Chapter 14 Section 1: The Expansion of Industry

1.    Why was kerosene important?

1.    Why was iron ore necessary during the Industrial Age?

2.    For what was steel used?

3.    How did steel “change the face of the country?”

4.    Why is Edison important?

5.    How did electricity change the nature of business?

6.    Identify the three main developments in inventions during the 1870s & 1880s.

7.    Identify four ways new inventions & products changed the lifestyles of people during this time period.

8.    How did industrialized improve the standard of living?


Chapter 14 Section 2: The Age of the Railroads

1.    What was the “iron horse?”

2.    Why were railroads important?

3.    Why was creating a national network of railroads important?

4.    Which two immigrant groups are mainly responsible for building the railroad system across the nation?

5.    How did railroads create “a united nation?”

6.    How did railroads affect industrialization & business?

7.    Describe Pullman’s idea of a “company town.”

8.    Explain the Credit Mobilier scandal.

9.    How were railroads abusive towards farmers?

10.  How did the Granger Laws intend to solve these abuses?

11.  What was the outcome of Munn v. Illinois?

12.  What was the Interstate Commerce Act?

13.  Why was the Interstate Commerce Act passed?

14.  How did the Supreme Court affect the Interstate Commerce Commission?

15.  Describe conditions during the Depression of 1893.

Chapter 14 Section 3: Big Business Emerges

1.    How did Andrew Carnegie start out?

2.    In what type of business was Carnegie involved?

3.    Explain why Carnegie’s management style made him successful.

4.    Identify & describe both of Carnegie’s business strategies.

5.    Explain the ideas of Social Darwinism.

6.    What were the main ideas in Horatio Alger’s novels?

7.    Explain the difference between an oligarchy & a monopoly.

8.    What company did John D. Rockefeller establish?

9.    Describe the purpose of a trust.

10.  Describe Rockefeller’s treatment of his employees.

11.  Where did the term “robber baron” come from?

12.  What was the goal of the Sherman Antitrust act?

13.  Why was enforcing the Sherman Antitrust Act difficult?

14.  What were the economic reasons the South did not experience an economic boom?

15.  What were the social causes that prevented the business boom from reaching the South?


Chapter 14 Section 4: Workers of the Nation Unite

1.    Describe working in the average factory.

2.    Describe Explain how woman & children were exploited in factories.

3.    Why did labor unions emerge?

4.    What were the goals of the Knights of Labor?

5.    Who was allowed to join the Knights of Labor?

6.    Why is Samuel Gompers important?

7.    What were the goals of the American Federation of Labor (AFL)?

8.    Why is Eugene Debs important?

9.    What were the differences between the AFL & the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)?

10.  Why did B&O Railroad workers strike in 1877?

11.  How did this strike end?

12.  Describe the Haymarket Affair.

13.  Explain the Homestead Strike.

14.  Describe the causes of the Pullman Strike.

15.  How did the Pullman Strike end?

16.  Describe the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory tragedy.

17.  What changed after the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire?

18.  How did businesses try to weaken union influence?

19.  Why did organizing people & unions become more difficult?

Chapter 14 Vocabulary

1.    Thomas Edison

2.    Alexander Graham Bell

3.    Transcontinental Railroad

4.    George Pullman

5.    Munn v. Illinois

6.    Interstate Commerce Act

7.    Andrew Carnegie

8.    Social Darwinism

9.    Monopoly

10.  Holding company

11.  John D. Rockefeller

12.  Trust

13.  Sherman Antitrust Act

14.  Samuel Gompers

15.  American Federation of Labor

16.  Collective Bargaining

17.  Eugene Debs

18.  Scab

19.  “Mother” Jones