Section 1 is due Tuesday, 1/13/15
Section 2 is due Wednesday, 1/14/15
Section 3 is due Thursday, 1/15/15
Your Ch 13/14 Exam will be Friday, 1/16/15. Quizlet has been open for over a week!
Chapter 15 Section 1: The
New Immigrants
- What was the “change”
in European immigration?
- Why did people
immigrate to America?
- What jobs did Chinese
immigrants perform?
- Why did some Japanese
immigrate to Hawaii?
- What drew Mexican
workers to the US?
- Describe the journey of
an immigrants to the US.
- How are Ellis &
Angel Islands similar?
- How are Ellis &
Angel Islands different?
- What challenges did
immigrants face?
- How did nativism affect
immigrant groups?
- What was the purpose of
the Chinese Exclusion Act?
- What was the purpose of
the Gentleman’s Agreement?
Chapter 15 Section 2: The
Challenges of Urbanization
- Why did most immigrants
settle in cities?
- Identify the goals of
the Americanization movement.
- How did northern
migration affect African-Americans?
- Describe urban housing
during the industrialized age.
- How did mass transit
change society?
- How did cities face the
problem of supplying safe drinking water to people?
- Describe urban
- Why was fire such a
danger in American cities?
- What was the goal of the
Social Gospel Movement?
- Why were settlement
houses established?
- Why is Jane Addams
Chapter 15 Section 3:
Politics in the Gilded Age
- How did the political
machine entice voters?
- Describe how the
political machine worked.
- Why was the political boss
- How did political
bosses try to gain support among immigrants groups?
- Explain “graft.”
- For what was graft
- Who was “Boss Tweed?”
- Why s Boss Tweed
- How did Thomas Nast
create outrage against Boss Tweed?
- What was the purpose of
the Pendleton Civil Service Act (1883)?
- Explain the McKinley
Tariff Act.
- Why did President
Cleveland refuse to sign the McKinley Tariff Act?
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