Friday, November 8, 2013

Global II: Chapter 26 Questions & Vocabulary

Chapter 26 Section 1:

Democratic Reform and Activism (pp. 658-63)

  1. Explain the constitutional monarchy used in Britain.
  2. How did the Reform Bill of 1832 help the British people?
  3. Why did the Chartist movement begin?
  4. Why was the reign of Queen Victoria a “shift” in the power of the monarchy?
  5. How did women gain the right to vote?
  6. Why did France’s government constantly change between 1871 and 1914?
  7. How are the Dreyfus Affair and anti-semitism related?
  8. Why did Zionism begin?


Chapter 26 Section 2:

Self-Rule for British Colonies (pp. 664-8)

  1. Why was Canada “divided” into Upper Canada and Lower Canada?
  2. How did Canada become a dominion?
  3. Why was the Australian colony established?
  4. Why did British citizens immigrate to Australia?
  5. How did the Maoris and British settlers in New Zealand interact with each other?
  6. How did Australia reform its political system?
  7. How did New Zealand reform its political system?
  8. How did the British treat natives when colonies were established?
  9. Why did the Irish resent the British presence in Ireland?
  10. How did the Great Famine affect Ireland?
  11. Why was Irish independence “put on hold” in 1914?
  12. How did Britain attempt to end the violence in Ireland in 1921?


Chapter 26 Section 3:

Expansion and Crisis in the United States (pp. 669-72)

  1. Why did Mexico and the United States go to war?
  2. How did immigration affect the United States?


Chapter 26 Section 4:

Nineteenth-Century Progress (pp. 673-9)

  1. How did inventions change the way people lived?
  2. Why is the assembly line important?
  3. How did changes produce mass culture?
  4. How did new ideas in medicine affect the way people lived?
  5. Why is Marie Curie important?
  6. Why is Albert Einstein important?
  7. How did Freud and Pavlov change the fundamental ideas of the Enlightenment?

Chapter 26 

  1. Suffrage
  2. Anti-Semitism
  3. Zionism
  4. Maori
  5. Aborigine
  6. Penal Colony
  7. Home Rule
  8. Manifest Destiny
  9. Secede
  10. Segregation
  11. Assembly Line
  12. Mass Culture
  13. Charles Darwin
  14. Radioactivity






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