Monday, April 21, 2014

Fair Warning, one final time

Fair warning: once Regents Review begins, no class notes will be posted on the blog.  You will be required to copy them in class (on your index cards.)  You will need to be in class, on time, & prepared...or take a zero for classwork that day.

We are not "sharing" index cards.  First, your parents did not work hard to have the money to buy them for someone else's kid.  Second, if you loan them out and that person loses them, you're out of luck & no longer have them to use for Regents Review.

Forget "sharing is caring."  This is your education.  Your graduation.  Your future.  If "they" don't care about theirs enough to be prepared or be in class, why should you jeopardize yours

This is not harsh.  This is reality.  Welcome to the world of working, responsible adults.  A world where no one holds your hand, they expect you to do what you're told immediately, want it done completely & accurate the first time, by the deadline, and have no problem firing you when any of these things don't happen.

Don't like it?  Sorry.  I didn't make the system.  Want options?  Get a good, solid education for yourself.  It's the ONLY way to have options.  Otherwise, you're the guy (or girl) working for someone else in a dead-end job making little money & barely surviving.  If that sounds like fun to you, keep cutting, being late, not doing your work, and continue to be unprepared.

If it doesn't, get with the program (or stay on track if you are already on that path!)

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