Friday, April 4, 2014

Global II: Chapter 34 Questions,Vocabulary, & Regents Connections

Chapter 34 Section 1:

The Indian Subcontinent Gains Independence (pp. 884-9)

  1. How were the Japanese defeat in WWII and Asian nationalism connected?
  2. Why was Great Britain willing to give up its colonies after WWII?
  3. How are the Indian National Congress and the Muslim League different?
  4. Why did the Muslim League want Indian partitioned?
  5. How did partition affect the people of India?
  6. Why was the Kashmir issue considered a “challenge?”
  7. Why is India still “challenged” today?
  8. How were East and West Pakistan different?
  9. Why is there civil war in Sri Lanka?

Chapter 34 Section 2:

Southeast Asian Nations Gain Independence (pp. 892-5)

  1. How did the Cold War affect the United States’ relation with the Philippines after it gained independence?
  2. Why did Filipinos view American military bases negatively?
  3. Why is Ferdinand Marcos important?
  4. Why is Corazon Aquino important?
  5. Why is Aung San Suu Kyi important?
  6. Why did the Indonesians revolt against the Dutch?
  7. Why is Suharto important?
  8. Why was Suharto criticized about East Timor?

Chapter 34 Section 3:

New Nations in Africa (pp. 896-900)

  1. Why did the Negritude movement begin?
  2. Why is Kwame Nkrumah important?
  3. Why was the Organization of African Unity (OAU) formed?
  4. How did the Mau Mau help remove the British from Kenya?
  5. Why is Jomo Kenyatta important?
  6. Why was the Congo poorly prepared for independence?
  7. Why is Mobutu Sese Seko important?
  8. Why did the Algerian National Liberation Front (FLN) develop?
  9. Why is there civil war in Algeria?

Chapter 34 Section 4:

Conflicts in the Middle East (pp. 901-5)

  1. Why has there been historical conflict over Palestine?
  2. Why is the Balfour Declaration important?
  3. How did the United Nations “settle” the issue of Palestine?
  4. Why were many people unhappy with the UN’s resolution?
  5. Explain the Suez Crisis.
  6. Why did the Six-Day War occur?
  7. How did the Six-Day War affect Israel?
  8. Why is Anwar Sadat important?
  9. Why is Golda Meir important?
  10. Why is the Camp David Accords important?
  11. How did the PLO affect Israel?
  12. Describe the intifada.
  13. Why is the Declaration of Principles important?
Chapter 34 
  1. Muslim League
  2. Partition
  3. Jawaharlal Nehru
  4. Indira Gandhi
  5. Rajiv Gandhi
  6. Benazir Bhutto
  7. Ferdinand Marcos
  8. Corazon Aquino
  9. Aung San Suu Kyi
  10. Suharto
  11. Negritude Movement
  12. Kwame Nkrumah
  13. Jomo Kenyatta
  14. Mau Mau
  15. Mobutu Sese Seko
  16. Balfour Declaration
  17. Suez Crisis
  18. Six-Day War
  19. Anwar Sadat
  20. Golda Meir
  21. Menachem Begin
  22. Camp David Accords
  23. Hosni Mubarak
  24. PLO
FOR HISTORICAL PEOPLE:  Remember, you need to know where a person is from and why they are important in history.  Look at the things they did or were involved in – that is the key to remembering them!
Chapter 34:
“Regents Connections”
  1. Why did the colonial empires collapse after WWII?
  2. What forces brought about the collapse of European imperialism in the post-WWII world?
  3. Why have many newly independent nations remained “tied” to their former colonial powers?
  4. Why is it difficult to resolve conflict in the Middle East?
  5. What role has the US played in trying to resolve Arab-Israeli conflicts?
  6. What role has the UN played in trying to resolve Arab-Israeli conflicts?
  7. What role has Egypt played in trying to resolve Arab-Israeli conflicts?


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