Tuesday, May 27, 2014

US History: Reform Movements Questions

REMINDER: “NIB” Means “not it review book.”  You have flash cards, the internet, your prior knowledge, this year’s notes, last year’s notes…so leaving anything blank or putting an answer that shows zero effort are the same to me…and anything blank = no credit for the assignment.

REVIEW means remember or reminder, it is NOT reteach or relearn!!  If you slack off now you have NO SHOT at passing the Regents or the course, so make your decisions carefully.


Reform Movements Review Questions

  1. How did “yellow journalism” help cause the Spanish-American War? (p. 154)      
  2. How were public schools reformed? (p. 74)
  3. How was care for the men tally ill reformed? (pp. 74-5)
  4. Where did the women’s rights reform movement begin? (p. 75)
  5. What was the goal of the Declaration of Sentiments (148)? (p. 75)
  6. Why were muckrakers important? (pp. 139-40)
  7. How were the problems of poverty addressed? (p. 140)
  8. Why is Jacob Riis important? (p. 140)
  9. Why were settlement houses established? (p. 140)
  10. Why is Jane Addams important? (p. 140)
  11. Why is Jeanette Rankin important? (p. 140)
  12. What were the goals of the Temperance Movement? (pp. 140-1)
  13. “Who” began the Temperance Movement? (p. 140)
  14. Describe the steps that led to women’s suffrage. (pp. 141-2)
  15. Why is the 19th Amendment important? (p. 142)
  16. How did birth control develop? (p. 142)
  17. Why is Upton Sinclair considered a muckraker? (p. 140)
  18. How did Booker T. Washington increase rights for African Americans? (p. 142)
  19. How did W.E.B. Du Bois increase rights for African Americans? (p. 142)
  20. How did Marcus Garvey increase rights for African Americans? (p. 142)
  21. How did Ida B. Wells-Barnett increase rights for African Americans? (p. 142)
  22. Why was the Anti-Defamation League formed? (p. 143)

  1. Identify & describe the two most popular types of city government during the Progressive Era.
  2. How did Progressives respond to urban problems? (p. 143)
  3. Identify six ways the Progressive Era increased citizen participation in government? (pp. 143-4)
  4. How did the Populist Party influence the Progressive Era? (p. 144)
  5. How did Wisconsin reform itself using Progressive ideas? (p. 144)
  6. How did Teddy Roosevelt use Progressive ideas to change NY? (p. 144)
  7. Identify three ways railroads were regulated during the Progressive Era. (p. 145)
  8. Identify two ways consumers were protected by Progressive legislation. (p. 145)
  9. How did Teddy Roosevelt regulate business during the Progressive Era? (pp. 145-6)
  10. Describe the Progressive reforms of the Taft administration. (pp. 146-7)
  11. Explain the financial Progressive reforms of Wilson. (p. 147)
  12. Explain the business Progressive reforms of Wilson. (pp. 147-8)
  13. Why did the Progressive era end? (p. 148)
  14. How did Truman “start” his policy on civil rights? (p. 258)
  15. Why is Brown v. Board of Education considered a “civil rights case?” (p. 259)
  16. How was the Brown decision a change from the laws of the 1950s & prior? (p. 259)
  17. Describe the events of Little Rock High School, Arkansas. (pp. 259-60)
  18. How did Little Rock “end?” (p. 260)
  19. Why did the Montgomery Bus Boycott begin? (p. 260)
  20. How did Congress attempt to ensure civil rights for African Americans? (p. 261)
  1. Why is James Meredith important to the civil rights movement? (p. 264)
  2. Describe the incident at the Woolworth’s lunch counter in Greensboro, NC in 1960. (p. 264)
  3. What is the importance of Birmingham, Alabama to the civil rights movement? (p. 264)
  4. How did the events in Birmingham help build support for the civil rights movement? (p. 264)
  5. Describe the events at the University of Alabama in June 1963. (p. 265)
  6. Why did the March on Washington (1963) take place? (p. 265)
  7. Describe the events of the March on Washington (1963.) (p. 265)
  8. Identify the most famous part of the March on Washington. (p. 265)
  9. What was the purpose of the Civil Rights Act (1964)? (p. 265)
  10. What did the Civil Rights Act “outlaw?” (p. 266)
  11. How did the Voting Rights Act of 1965 expand civil rights for all citizens? (p. 266)
  12. Describe Watts. (p. 266)
  13. Show the progression of women’s rights from 1963 to 1972. (pp. 267-269) (NOTE: A list is acceptable as an answer to this question, providing it begins with a complete sentence as required)
  14. What is the “glass ceiling? (p. 269)
  15. How is feminism different from sexism? (p. 268)
  16. How does the Americans with Disabilities Act (1990) help disabled people? (p. 272)




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