Monday, October 7, 2013

Lots of "wrong" homework with no credit, still

As I continue to grade HW from both Global & US History courses, I continue to find a large percentage of work that is not getting credit because the directions clearly given in class, on the homework packet itself, verbally, and here on the blog are still not being followed.

Once again, if you are not writing out the questions, and you are not restating them in your answer, you are not getting credit.  Short cuts, writing only half of the question in your answer...all of these things translate to mean "you are lazy" and "lazy" doe snot get credit.

If the question is "How did historical documents influence the American colonists?", it should be written out, and beneath it the answer should start with "Historical documents influenced the American colonists by..." and followed by your actual answer to the question.

Repetition is key to internalization of information.  Plus, it is the directions you have been given.  If you continue to choose to make up your own rules on how to complete the homework I must warn you that I will only be using my standards & directions with which to grade all work received.  Either you have followed the directions & submitted a fully completed assignment...or you have not.

Please keep this in mind.  it's been a month since school started & 3 weeks since you've had regular homework - there is no reason for any one of you to continue to do the work incorrectly. 

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