Monday, May 25, 2015

Global II: Important Documents Review Questions

Global II: Important Documents Review Questions


REMINDER: “NIB” Means “not it review book.”  You have flash cards, the internet, your prior knowledge, this year’s notes, last year’s notes…so leaving anything blank or putting an answer that shows zero effort are the same to me…and anything blank = no credit for the assignment.




REVIEW means remember or reminder, it is NOT reteach or relearn!!  If you slack off now you have NO SHOT at passing the Regents or the course, so make your decisions carefully.

Important Documents Review Questions



1.    Why was the Law of the Twelve Tables important? (p. 16)

2.    Why was the Magna Carta important? (pp. 91 & 145)

3.    How did the Ninety-Five Theses help start the Reformation? (p. 88)

4.    Who wrote Two Treatises on Civil Government? (NIB)

5.    What ideas were involved in Two Treatises on Civil Government? (NIB, but p. 142)

6.    How did the English Bill of Rights affect the British Government? (p. 130)

7.    Who wrote The Spirit of the Laws? (NIB)

8.    What are the main ideas in The Spirit of the Laws? (pp. 142 & 145)

9.    Why was the Napoleonic Code the fundamental law of France? (p. 149)

10.                       Why is Theodore Herzl important? (p. 160)

11.                       How did the Balfour Declaration encourage Jewish immigration to Palestine? (NIB)

12.                       Why is The Communist Manifesto considered the “bible” of communism? (p. 167)

13.                       Why was the Treaty of Nanjing “positive” for the West? (pp. 176-7)

14.                       Why was the Treaty of Nanjing “negative” for the Chinese? (pp. 176-7)

15.                       Who wrote The Fourteen Points? (NIB)

16.                       What was the purpose of the Fourteen Points? (pp. 202-3)

17.                       How did the Treaty of Versailles affect Germany? (p. 203)

18.                       Who wrote Mein Kampf? (NIB)

19.                       Why is Mein Kampf important? (NIB)

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