Sunday, May 17, 2015

US History: Govt Review Questions, Groups 1-3

REMINDER: “NIB” Means “not it review book.”  You have flash cards, the internet, your prior knowledge, this year’s notes, last year’s notes…so leaving anything blank or putting an answer that shows zero effort are the same to me…and anything blank = no credit for the assignment.


REVIEW means remember or reminder, it is NOT reteach or relearn!!  If you slack off now you have NO SHOT at passing the Regents or the course, so make your decisions carefully.



Government Review Questions



1.    What was the purpose of the Mayflower Compact? (p. 22)

2.    What were the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut? (p. 22)

3.    Why is the House of Burgesses important? (p. 22)

4.    Why were town meetings important in colonial times? (p. 22)

5.    What was the goal of the Albany Plan of Union? (p. 23)

6.    What was the Iroquois Confederacy? (p. 13)

7.    Why did colonial slavery mostly develop in the South? (p. 18)

8.    What was the intent of the Constitutional Convention? (pp. 29-30)

9.    Describe the Virginia Plan. (p. 30)

10. Describe the New Jersey Plan. (p. 30)

11. Describe the Connecticut Plan. (pp. 30-1)

12. By what other name is the Connecticut Plan known? (p. 30)

13. Describe Congress as established by the Connecticut Plan. (pp. 30-1)

14. What was the Three-Fifths Compromise? (p. 31)

15. What is the unwritten constitution? (pp. 35 & 51)

16. What is lobbying? (p. 53)

17. What is the purpose of the president’s cabinet? (p. 51)

18. Identify and describe the four parts of Hamilton’s financial plan. (pp. 51-2)

19. Why did Hamilton support a national bank? (p. 51)

20. What is a “loose constructionalist?” (p. 53)

21. What is a “strict constructionalist?” (p. 53)



1.    Describe the Federalist Party. (p. 55)

2.    Describe the Democratic-Republican Party. (p. 55)

3.    What party did the Democratic-Republicans turn into? (p. 54)

4.    Describe life in the North in the mid-1800s. (pp. 67-9)

5.    Describe life in the South in the mid-1800s. (pp. 70-1)

6.    What were the goals of the Grange Movement? (p. 119)

7.    Why did the Populist Party form? (p. 119)

8.    What did the defeat of the Populists “show?” (p. 120)

9.    Why did the Progressive Era begin? (p. 137)

10. What were the goals of the Progressives? (pp. 139-41)

11. How did Progressivism reform city governments? (p. 143)

12. How did Progressivism reform state governments? (pp. 143-4)

13. What was the Square Deal? (pp. 144-5)

14. How did Theodore Roosevelt regulate business under the Square Deal? (p. 145)

15. Explain the idea of “rule of reason.” (p. 146)

16. How did Theodore Roosevelt regulate labor conditions under the Square Deal? (p. 146)

17. How did Theodore Roosevelt regulate conservation under the Square Deal? (p. 146)

18. Why was the Women’s International League for Peace formed? (p. 167)

19. What were Wilson’s Fourteen Points? (p. 165)








1.    What was the purpose of the Interstate Commerce Act (1887)? (p. 108)

2.    What “problem” did both Hoover & Franklin D. Roosevelt try to solve? (p. 190)

3.    Identify and explain the “3 R’s” of the New Deal. (p. 198)

4.    On what was the New Deal based? (p. 189)

5.    Why did Franklin D. Roosevelt declare a bank holiday in 1933? (p. 198)

6.    What is “pump priming?” (p. 190)

7.    What does “NRA” stand for? (p. 199)

8.    What was the goal of the NRA (1933)? (p. 199)

9.    What happened to the NRA? (p. 199)

10. What was the purpose of the Social Security Act (1935)? (p. 200)

11. What was the Wagner Act? (p. 200)

12. Identify Franklin D. Roosevelt’s relief programs. (p. 198)

13. Identify Franklin D. Roosevelt’s recovery programs. (pp. 198-200)\

14. Identify Franklin D. Roosevelt’s reforms programs. (p. 200)

15. How did the New Deal affect Native Americans? (pp. 201-2)

16. How did the New Deal affect African Americans? (p. 202)

17. How did the New Deal affect women? (p. 202)

18. What does “AAA” stand for? (p. 199)

19. What was the goal of the AAA (1933)? (pp. 199-200)

20. Why was the AAA replaced with a different program in 1936? (p. 200)

21. Describe Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “court-packing” plan. (p. 204)

22. How did Franklin D. Roosevelt “use” the unwritten constitution? (p. 205)




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