Friday, April 12, 2013

Global I: HW due Monday, 4/15

As discussed in class today, the homework due Monday is the following:
1. Castle Learning: African Kingdoms - GHG I (opened Friday, closes Sunday night)
2. A "paper" on Mansa Musa (see below)
3. A "paper" on Ibn Battuta (see below)

Each "paper" must be handwritten, in your own words, and must contain the following:
- What position each person held?
- Where was each from?
- What were the accomplishments of each person?
- Why do we still study these people today?

Each paper must include a picture of each leader.  Copy & paste the website address of where you found each on the paper below the picture. Your pictures should be no less than 3x5 in size, so be sure to enlarge what you find as necessary (larger pictures are also OK.) Yes, you can put more than one per page but you must have the website for each under the pictures and label which person is which.

Here are some videos that will help you:
Mansa Musa:

Ibn Battuta:

This is due at the beginning of class on Monday, 4/15. No make-ups. As always, copying or cheating will not be tolerated and will result in a zero for all work involved.  This is especially important isnce at least half of the papers I received today on the Mayan Ball game were clearly nothing more than handwritten copies of article son the Internet.  Those papers received a zero.

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