Thursday, April 18, 2013

Period 6.....

Dara gets 5 points added to tomorrow's test for being the first to be able to tell me a time period as to why Sarajevo is a city you should already be familiar with.

5 points will be added to the first person to leave a comment on this post with the full & correct answer to my original question: "Why should you already know the city of Sarajevo?"  Keep in mind what Dara said in class and use it as a cue or clue.

Nice job Dara!  (You are eligible for this as well, and if you are the 1st to post with the complete, correct answer you get the extra 5 points.) 

Deadline is 9:30 pm tonight.  Please note that posting times show up different than the actual tome.  I am posting this at 4:49 PM, 4/18.  Use it as a reference.  I will. :)

STUDY & see you tomorrow.....


  1. Destiny Smalls period 6
    We should already know about the city of Sarajevo because it was where Ferdinand was assassinated and where the Yugoslav war took place

  2. The Yugoslav war? Yes to the first part but no to the war...
