Sunday, May 5, 2013


Every single last one of you should be practicing your themes on  It's a site made by social studies teachers Upstate for their students.  Everyone has access & it's free, no sign up is required.

Global II Kids - review by theme, use the information to help you with your homework or to remind you of information you learned over the last 2 years, and practice with the interactive multiple choice.  Do them by theme for now, you don't need to do the "cross topical" yet.  Wait a few weeks before selecting that option since it's a mix of everything just like the regents.  The best use of this site right now is to hammer the themes we've already done in class until you are really good at them.

US History Kids - Your review - SHOULD YOU ALL DO THAT HOMEWORK DUE TOMORROW & TUESDAY - will start with Geography, and we will move to Supreme Court Cases from there.  Start practicing with those two themes for now.  You should be familiar with this site from last year.

Did I mention it's never too early to start Regents Review, nor can you ever have enough review?  I didn't?  Yes I did, you just weren't paying attention....

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