Sunday, May 12, 2013

US History & Global II Review Reminders!

US History has Regents Review homework due tomorrow.
Global II - same deal.

As a reminder, there is no late work or make up anymore.  Progress reports go out at the end of the week, they open up for teachers to fill in tomorrow.  If you've lost track, it is now 5 weeks into the 4th marking period.

Review sign ups for this Friday will be posted in class Monday - Wednesday. 

If you do not do all the work, turn it in on time, do it as directed (format AND every last question), are unprepared, are late, are absent...don;t sign up.  You can't come.  You clearly aren't interested in your review so there is no need for me to spend my free time on a Friday evening helping you...since you aren't pulling your weight & helping yourself.  I crossed kids off last week's list for the same reasons.  Discipline problems, kids who act like class is nap time, etc - you can't come either.  This is not babysitting, this is uninterrupted (in every sense of the word) review.

Review is for kids who are doing their part, doing their work, studying, and know they need more time reviewing to improve their content knowledge & chance of passing the Regents Exam.  Review is for students who are motivated to pass.  Kids who are in school, on time, doing their work, prepared for class, working hard, and studying every night to improve.

Not doing the work? Then you're not going to review sessions either. It is not my job to do your work for you, it is my job to provide you with what you need to get through the Exam. If you choose not to do the work, I choose to cross you off the extra help list. It's just that simple.

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