Here are some things you would do well to remember:
1. When I say "due today" I mean exactly that. Here's what that doesn't mean - you cannot turn it in tomorrow, you cannot go get it out of your locker, you cannot put it in my mailbox. Be responsible for your work, take your responsibility as a student seriously, and do what is expected & required of you.
2. You are responsible for the textbook you signed out. I made this clear when they were handed out, I made it clear when I announced collections. You can't expect to turn in just any book - what if it belonged to a different student and now they have to pay because you "borrowed" it from them, their locker, your locker...whatever the case may be. You are required to turn in the book assigned to you. I wrote the book numbers on the cards in front of you the day you received your book, just like I checked them off on the cards before you left the desk when you turned them in. Again, this is a responsiblity issue. Books are now seriously overdue for Global II, and overdue for US History.
3. Don't come to class late. Period. The same kids come late every day, and it's time you stopped disrupting your classmate's review by your irresponsibility.
4. Don't come unprepared. This late in the game, there are zero excuses for it. Z-E-R-O. There are little circles raining down in my gradebook everytime I see someone unprepared.
5. There are no make ups for absences, and there is no late work accepted. THIS IS REVIEW. If you elect to go on a field trip and fail to turn in the homework by the start of that day, consider it late...because I do.
Be in class tomorrow, on time, prepared, and with your missing textbooks.
Or fail.
Your choice.
Let me add that this is for ALL classes, not just one class or one subject in particular. There are some in each & every class that clearly need this reminder. Again.